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Kathmandu-Best in Travel 2019

October 29, 2018,  0 comments

Kathmandu-Best in Travel 2019

Kathmandu City listed Among Top 10 Best Cities to Travel in 2019 by Lonely Planet.

Kathmandu, Nepal, In the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake, news reports from Kathmandu showed a city broken and in mourning, but today the narrative is all about reconstruction and rejuvenation. Sure, there’s work to do restoring the magnificent monuments that crumbled during the disaster, but historic sites are being returned to their former glory, and moves to calm the city’s infamous traffic, smog and noise have made Kathmandu more liveable than it has been in decades. There’s even reliable electricity and wi-fi as bonus creature comforts in the atmospheric and maze-like alleyways of the old city.


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